
Revio Banner

PacBio Revio now available!

GC3F's NEW PacBio Revio increases per-SMRTcell yield by 3x, dramatically decreasing the cost of high-fidelity (HiFi) long-read sequencing. 

Visit our PacBio Sequencing page for more details and contact us at genomics@uoregon.edu to plan your experiment!


PS Solo

Oxford Nanopore PromethION P2 now available!

Nanopore sequencing is now available from GC3F's NEW Oxford Nanopore P2 Solo, with V14 chemistry offering Q20+ quality!

Visit our Oxford Nanopore Sequencing page for more details, and reach out to us at genomics@uoregon.edu to plan your experiment! 

Welcome to University of Oregon's Genomics and Cell Characterization Core Facility (GC3F)

GC3F supports life science research with advanced instrumentation including:

  • Next-generation DNA sequencing services using Illumina NovaSeq 6000, NextSeq 2000, and MiSeq sequencers.

  • Third-generation long read DNA sequencing using PacBio Revio as well as Oxford Nanopore Promethion and MinIon sequencers.

  • Single-cell library prep on 10X Chromium and BIO-RAD ddSEQ

  • Advanced Light Microscopy with multiple scanning and spinning-disk confocal, super-resolution (SIM), and light-sheet microscopes.

  • Flow Cytometry with a Sony SH-800 cell sorter

  • High throughput automated liquid handling with LabCyte Echo, Hamilton Vantage, and Eppendorf robots.

  • Mass Spectrometry with a Bruker Microflex Smart LS MALDI

  • DNA/RNA fragment analysis, qPCR, NanoDrop spectrophotometry, Qubit quantification, and more!

All of our services are available to users from any department at UO, as well as to off-campus users from other academic institutions and industry

Services can be requested and instruments reserved via our iLab page here

More information about our service offerings can be found in the "Services and Instruments" menu above
