Flow Cytometry

The GC3F houses three flow cytometers: a Sony SH800 cell sorter, a Nanocellect Wolf G2 sorter and a first-generation Applied Biosystems Attune Cytometer.  All instruments are user-operated, and require prior reservation.  The GC3F provides training on all instruments (Individualized training charge for each of the instruments is a onetime fee of $150 ($300 for external customers. email Jeff Bishop jbishop2@uoregon.edu to schedule a training session), but it is up to you to analyze and sort your own cells.  All instruments are intuitive, user-friendly instruments, so don’t be afraid to get trained and analyze your cells!


Sony SH800

The Sony SH800 is a cell sorter capable of distinguishing up to 6 different fluorescent markers (excited by 4 lasers: red, green, violet, and blue) in a mixed population of cells.  Alignment and calibration are all handled automatically using disposable optical plastic sorting chips that are based on Sony Blu-ray technology from the home consumer electronics realm.

The SH800 can sort cells in to two collection tubes at a time, and is capable of sterile sorting following an approximately 2.5 hour long instrument decontamination procedure.

The cost for Internal users (UO, OSU, and OHSU) on the Sony SH800 is $40 per hour, plus $35 for a sorting chip (either 100µm or 130µm size). 

If requested (well in advance, please!), an optional 2.5-hour instrument decontamination procedure can also be included, at a cost of:

  • $200 for GC3F staff to perform the decontamination procedure for you
  • $100 for you to perform the decontamination procedure yourself (requires prior training with GC3F staff)

CLICK HERE to schedule a reservation on the SH800! (Note, you will need to register for an iLab account.)


Nanocellect Wolf G2 Sorter

Wolf G2


Applied Biosystems Attune

The Applied Biosystems Attune cytometer is an analytical cytometer (not capable of sorting) that can measure fluorescent markers that are excited by blue or violet lasers.  This instrument is a good alternative to the Sony if sorting is not needed, and the panel of fluorescent markers does not require the 6 detectors of the Sony. We do not charge for usage time or reagents on the Attune instrument!

CLICK HERE to schedule a reservation on the Attune! (Note, you will need to register for an iLab account.)