I have sent 3 tubes:
- 2 tubes of DNA (20317 and 20318)
- 1 tube with 2 specimens (20319 and 20320)
I have sent 2 tubes of ~48uL Ephydridae DNA. These are expected to be ~400Mb genomes on a diploid fly. The two tubes (20317 and 20318) are from different individuals, both male flies from the same population. They can be combined for analysis to increase total input DNA if you would like, and they do not need to be multiplexed as I am simply producing a reference genome with these samples.
If you require even more DNA, I have sent 1 tube with 2 other male flies in 95% EtOH from a separate population as backup. If they need to be extracted at GC3F and combined with each other, that is okay, but I do not want to combine these flies (20319 and 20320) with the other two flies (20317 and 20318) from the other population.
I have sent 3 tubes:
- 2 tubes of DNA (20317 and 20318)
- 1 tube with 2 specimens (20319 and 20320)
I have sent 2 tubes of ~48uL Ephydridae DNA. These are expected to be ~400Mb genomes on a diploid fly. The two tubes (20317 and 20318) are from different individuals, both male flies from the same population. They can be combined for analysis to increase total input DNA if you would like, and they do not need to be multiplexed as I am simply producing a reference genome with these samples.
If you require even more DNA, I have sent 1 tube with 2 other male flies in 95% EtOH from a separate population as backup. If they need to be extracted at GC3F and combined with each other, that is okay, but I do not want to combine these flies (20319 and 20320) with the other two flies (20317 and 20318) from the other population.